Monday, December 18, 2006

Free Speech TV

In their own words: "Free Speech TV: What Democracy Looks Like."

Free Speech TV is competent and relevant journalism. See it on Dish Network channel 9415, the only network with the guts to air it. Charter Media carries the station on some local access channels, but nowhere in the South except Atlanta and Lafayette (big surprise.)

"Every day and night, hard-working people come home from their jobs and turn on their TV sets. Never before have they had so many channels to choose from, yet never before have their choices been so limited. ... Americans want a channel that is dedicated to asking the hard questions about the issues affecting their kids’ future. They want a channel that’s not afraid to confront abuses of power that rob them of jobs, health care, a meaningful education, a clean environment, civil rights for all, and a government by, for and of the people. . . .Free Speech TV stands alone in the industry in its dedication to creating such a channel."
Michael Moore. Director, Roger and Me, Bowling for Columbine

An apt, if slightly sappy, description.

The JAMlynx name and device © 2006 by Jayvin Alternative Media.